Monthly Archives: February 2014

‘The Six Day Affair’ a new book to be published this coming Spring.

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In late August 1939, Hitler’s armies were poised to invade Poland, while in Austria the International Six Day Trial (ISDT) was underway. The trial was dubbed ‘The Motorcycling Olympics’, where the crème de la crème from five or six nations competed in six days of hard riding. Following the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, the ISDT was seen by Hitler as being another opportunity for Nazi dominance and the 1939 ISDT was unexpectedly held in Austria, riding through the mountains surrounding Salzburg. Half way through the event, with the British teams once again doing very well indeed, they received a telegram … continue reading

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Review of Ordinary on ‘The Washingmachinepost’ – by Brian Palmer

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If you have any interest in the history of the bicycle, john bradshaw’s ‘ordinary’ is fairly close to essential reading.

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Review of Ordinary in ‘Velo-Vision’ – by Richard Peploe

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‘ORDINARY’ by name, but not by nature I thought long and hard about how best to show that, despite the title, this is no ordinary book and the best I could come up with was to say that it’s ordinary by name, but not by nature. However, knowing the other books that John Bradshaw has written, that should not be a surprise. The book’s summary does its job well: “An account of the Rediscovery, Restoration, Research and Riding of an Ordinary Bicycle from 1988 through to 1991, with Subsequent Thoughts”. Despite the niche topic, the story will strike a chord … continue reading

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We are sad to report…

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We are sad to report that Jo died in her sleep in December 2013.  There is now a 2nd Edition of her book out which includes both new and recently discovered pictures and information about her fascinating life.

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